Installation of CCTV and connecting cameras feeds to NMC.

Installation of CCTV and connecting cameras feeds to NMC.

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has issued guidelines for medical colleges on installing CCTV cameras and connecting their feeds to the NMC for monitoring purposes. Here’s a summary of the key points:

Camera and Recording Requirements:

  • Minimum Resolution: At least 2K resolution cameras are required for most areas. Lecture halls specifically require 4K cameras.
  • Storage: Medical colleges must have a Network Video Recorder (NVR) with at least 30 days of storage capacity for camera footage.
  • Access for NMC: The NMC needs to be provided with login credentials to access and download recordings for the past 30 days.


  • Dedicated Internet: A dedicated MPLS/ILL internet connection with a minimum speed of 100 Mbps is mandatory.
  • IP Addresses: Medical colleges are responsible for configuring cameras with their own IP addresses. The NMC will not provide an IP pool.
Installation of CCTV and connecting cameras feeds to NMC.

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